
Home Loans Made Easy with CasaMozambique


Mozambique being a perfect holiday destination, has the widest range of properties available in the various cities. The beautiful houses in the different locations all over the country are nothing less than a paradise to be in.

Purchasing a property in Mozambique is no more a task! Casamozambique - Mozambique’s real estate guide is here to take you through an easy and affordable option for purchasing your dream home. May it be the ready to move in apartments, the penthouses or the luxurious villas to stay, Casamozambique has home loan options for all. The properties are accessible, alluring and affordable with easy home loans.

What is a home loan?

A home loan is a form of financial credit that banks lend to individuals who are interested in buying a house or other property. The loan is given to approved applicants who are able to prove they have income to repay the monthly installments.

Whar are the types of home loans?

Home Loans can be categorized in three parts :-
  • Standard home loan - It is a loan taken for primary residence
  • Construction loan - A loan taken for building own house
  • Renovation Loan - Loan taken for people already won a house and are looking to make renovations and improvements

Who can qualify for home loans?

To qualify for a home loan, an applicant need to have a constant monthly income, a person between 25-65 years of age,  they need to show some kind of collateral and proof that they will be able to make the repayments. One can apply via casamozambique to get the best chances to quality for loans.

Go for an easy home loan and let the journey begin to your dream house!

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